Add Tenders Tab
To make it easy for your users to access Tenders you should add the Tenders tab as an option for your sales team. Navigate to Setup->Home->App Manager and edit the App that your sales team use (or whichever is appropriate for your org).
This package only supports Lightning Experience, classic interface is not supported
The Lightning App Builder interface will open and you should select Navigation Items from the menu on the left. Locate and select the Tenders tab from the list on the left and then press the arrow to move it to the list on the right.
If you can't find the tab in the left hand list it is probably already on the right and you can move on.
User Permissions
It is the administrators responisibility to ensure users have access to the objects and fields required. The package ships with a permission set that provides access to the tenders tab and all custom fields. If any users are lacking permissions you can assign them to the permission set to easily resolve the issue.
Page Layouts
The page layout for Tenders is included with the package but you can make whatever changes you like. To make it easy for your users to identify opportunities that are part of a tender process, or link existing opps into a tender process you should edit the opportunity layout and add the link to the Tender Process to the details page.
PDF templates
To configure which pdf tempates are avaliable for use in Tenders you need to manually get the pdf ID's and set them up as options using custom metadata types.
First you need the Id's from all of the pdf's you would like to use as templates.
Go to setup and access the pdf editor and open a pdf
For each one you need to look at your browser address bar and find the part that says summlid%3DYOUR_PDF_ID%26retURL and copy the part between %3D and %26. This is the PDF id.
Make a note of each ID and store it with the label for each one as you go
Once you have collected all Id's head to the custom metadata section of the setup and click Manage Records for the Tender Quote Template metadata type
For each pdf Id create a new entry
Set the label and a unique name as well as entering the PDF id you gathered earlier, in this picture the ID is in the green box. The label is the name that will appear in the list when your users select the PDF.
You can remove the pdf from the list without deleting it from the metadata by marking it as inactive
Your pdf options should now be available in the Quote creation GUI.