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Order Creator

The order creator app was created to automatically convert quotes to orders without having to re-enter any information from the quote / opportunity or quote line items to the new order / order line items.

The conversion process is triggered by the 'status' of the quote. When your users set the status to the admin-defined 'convert' status the process will run.

Without any additional configuration it will copy values from a number of standard fields and any custom fields that exist in the opp or quote and have matching (match on API name and type) fields in the order, as well as any field that exists in the quote line item with a match on the order line item.

Order creator also supports custom mapping to copy standard fields to custom fields, custom fields to custom fields that don't share the same name and also to prevent automatically detected matches from being copied.


The order creator package has been extended to include functionality to copy a subset of the order to a new quote in the form of a variation and then merge it back to the original order when it is approved. If you do not need this type of functionality you should work through the disable variations instructions in the troubleshooting section of this document.