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Inventory Control User Guide


The inventory control app has been created to handle tracking of stock (inventory) and the allocation of orders from within the salesforce platform.

The app is designed to track individual shipments of stock and keep them separated from each other, while still tracking overall stock levels per product. This is useful for products that have a natural variation across batches and should not be mixed on a single order.


To allocate stock you must have an order item that is based on an inventory product and you must be holding stock of a matching product. You can mark products as being inventory products using the Inventory Product field on the product details page.


Allocating Stock to an Order

From the order select the Allocate button from the quick actions bar Allocate Button When the allocator loads select the product you wish to allocate Choose Product Once the product is selected, stock linked to the matching product will be loaded in the pane below Choose Product If there are multiple stock holdings available, choose the one that is most appropriate and press the pen icon on the left side of the row Edit Allocation Amount Enter the quantity of material that you wish to allocate to this batch


You cannot allocate more than the quantity left to allocate on the order item or the quantity available in the batch

When you enter the amount you are given some feedback in the display next to the 'Allocate' button


You can spread the quantity to allocate over multiple stock holdings if you need to, but first you should contact the warehouse to make sure the stock holdings are colour compatible

When you are done entering your quantities press the 'Allocate' button to add your allocations and secure the stock Allocate Stock

Modifying or Removing an allocation

You can change an allocation using the same method detailed above to allocate stock. Load the order product you wish to modify and you will see any existing allocations in the pane below. Edit the quantity to modify the allocation or set it to zero to remove or unallocate the stock. Modify Allocation

Selecting a different order item

If you wish to change the order item you are allocating after you have selected it and the stock holdings have loaded you can get back to the list of items avaliable for allocation by pressing the 'Show All' button Show All

Hiding items not for allocation

On some occasions there will be items in the list of choices for allocation that do not actually require allocation. Products that have been removed via variation and the corresponding negative variation line is an example of when this may occur.

To remove these items from the list you can mark them as not for allocation using the dropdown on the right of the row and then press the 'Remove Items Not For Allocation' button.


When these items are hidden you can show them again using the 'Show Items Not For Allocation' button which will appear

Hide Items

Adding costs to stock

Add costs to the container

Locate your container by date by sorting on the container tab Container Tab

Or by search if you already know the PO/Batch number Container Search

Open the details page of the container you wish to add costs to Container Details

Scroll to the Material Costs section Costs Secton

Add values to;

  1. Material Deposit USD
  2. Material Deposit AUD
  3. Final Payment USD
  4. Final Payment AUD
  5. Sea Freight Cost

If you already have the total you can just add it all into the final fields and skip the deposit


Freight costs are easy to forget, make sure you have added them!

Add unit cost for stock in the container

Navigate to the related lists on the container page to view stock Related Lists


You can open each record in a new tab, and then close them as you edit them to track where you are up to

On the stock details page scroll down to the Finance section to locate the Material Cost Per Unit field Stock Unit Price

Edit the value to add the cost per unit for this product (in the currency it was paid)

You are done!