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This guide assumes you are logged in to salesforce as a system admin and have a basic knowledge of salesforce system administration. If you do not have a system admin for your org, head over to the contact page and let us know you need a hand, we will be happy to help!

Conversion Trigger

To configure the app you must define the status that will trigger the conversion process. You set this value in the custom settings section of the setup. Although the app uses heirachy type settings, different triggers are not available on a per profile or per user basis. The setting must be created as an organization wide default.

To create a setting as an org wide default navigate to Setup->Home->Custom Settings and use the Manage link next to the Convert to Order setting label.

settings location

Once you are in the setting press the new button above the default organization level section

org wide settings

The package ships with the standard conversion trigger set to Signed by default if you are happy to use this value you can save the record and move on, or you can set the value to whatever you prefer (Approved or Accepted are both quite popular!).

set trigger


If you do not have any need for variations you can (and should) leave the other fields blank

Once you save this record the system will convert the quote to an order when the quote status is changed to the name you have set. You will now need to ensure you have a matching value on the Quote status picklist.

Picklist values

To trigger the conversion process the Quote needs to have a Status value that matches the trigger you set in the custom settings above.

Navigate to Setup->Object Manager->Quote->Fields & Relationships and click on the Status field label

locate status field

When the field properties open check to make sure you have a value that matches your trigger. If you do not you can use the new button to add one or the edit button to change an existing entry to match.

create matching status

User Permissions

It is the admins responsibility to ensure all users (that will convert quotes) have access to all of the standard fields required by the converter. Insufficient access to standard fields will cause the process to fail. If you get an error on convert you should carefully read the message to discover what field / object is causing the problem and then grant your user access to that field. Read access is required on the source and write access on the target.


Insufficient access to custom fields will not cause the process to fail but values from these fields will not be copied.

There are a few different methods for granting users access to the fields the process will copy, the end result is always setting your field level security (FLS) permissions. The recommended method of granting permissions is to use permission sets and then assign your users to the permission set, this is the method described below, but you could also do it by editing the users profile or by editing the field in the object manager.

To get started navigate to Setup->Permission Sets and press the New button

locate permission sets

You can use whatever you like for the label and name, then save it.

create permission sets

In your new permission set open the object settings

access object settings You will need to grant access to fields on the Order, Quote, Opportunity, Order Product and Quote Line Item. You can either try to convert and make a note of each one that is missing or add all that are required from the start.

To grant access open each object one at a time, in this example we will start with Orders

locate object

edit object

set permissions

For each object you will notice you have Object Permissions and Field permissions. Note that your users may already have access to these fields, adding it again won't do any harm, adding extra permissions will also not do any harm from the converters point of view.


You cannot restrict a users access using permissions sets, only grant permissions in addition to those granted by the users profile.

Required permissions for standard fields are;


Object Permissions
Read, Edit
Field Permissions
Account Name > Read
Bill To > Read
Contract > Read
Description > Read
Order > Read, Edit
Quote To > Read
Ship To > Read

Quote Line Item

Object Permissions
Inherited (nothing to do)
Field Permissions
Discount > Read
Line Item Description > Read


Object Permissions
Read, Create, Edit
Field Permissions
Billing Address > Read, Edit
Description > Read, Edit
Opportunity > Read, Edit
Order Name > Read, Edit
Quote > Read, Edit
Shipping Address > Read, Edit

Order Product

Object Permissions
Inherited (nothing to do)
Field Permissions
Line Description > Read, Edit
Quote Line Item > Read, Edit


Object Permissions
Read, Edit
Field Permissions
Order > Read, Edit

Once you have added all required permissions you need to assign the permission set to the users who need access

assign permissions

Just check the box next to each user and assign the permission set to them.

Standard Fields

Standard fields are defined in the table below (by API name). These fields will be copied without any additional configuration

Source: QuoteTarget: Order

Multi currency is supported and if enabled CurrencyIsoCode will also be copied to the order

Source: Quote ItemTarget: Order Item

If a discount is applied to the quote line item the value used for UnitPrice is after discount

Auto Matches

Custom fields on the Opportunity or Quote that have a matching field on the Order will automagically be copied when the conversion process runs. Similarly any custom field on the QuoteLineitem that has a matching field on the order item will also be copied.


To qualify as a match the source field must have the same API name and the same data type as the target field

Custom Mapping

Custom mapping of fields is supported through the use of custom settings to create relationships. To create a custom relationship navigate to Setup->Home->Custom Settings. For mapping from Quote to Order access the Convert Quote Field Mapping for Quote Line Items use the Convert Quote Line Item Field Mapping


To add mappings use the Manage link next to the setting label

locate status field

locate status field


In this example we are mapping the Quote contact to the Order billing contact

locate status field


If you map fields of incompatible types the conversion will result in an error

Custom mapping from Opportunity to Order is not currently supported. If you need a value from the Opportunity copied on conversion you should use a formula field to bring the value to the Quote and map it from there. If this solution is not acceptable for your use please get in touch and give us the detail of your situation.

Page Layouts

The Order creator package adds links to the Order from the Quote and Opportunity objects. To make it easy for your users to navigate from the quote to the new order after conversion you should add these fields to the page layout.

Navigate to Setup->Object Manager->Quote->Page Layouts and select the layout you want to edit.

locate status field

Then repeat the process but for the Opportunity object

Advanced Settings

When the conversion process runs the parent opportunity will automatically be closed and marked as Won. If you do not want your Opportunities marked as Won you can suppress this behaviour using the Advanced Settings. Navigate to Setup->Home->Custom Settings and select the Manage link next to the Advanced Settings option for the Quote Converter.

Advanced Settings

Control over this behaviour can be configured per user / profile or for the entire organisation. Select the location you will create your new rule according to the level you need to control. For an org wide default select the New button shown below marked with a 1, or for Profile and User level settings use the button marked with a 2

Settings Locations

How you create the rule will depend on what level you are creating but in the image below we are creating a Profile level rule for all System administrators. The key point is to check the box marked do not close opp and save your new rule.

Settings Window

Now when a system admin converts a quote the parent Opportunity will not be closed or marked as Won