To configure the system for Variations you must set the variation triggers and also assign permissions to the users who will use them.
Variation Record Type
The package includes a quote record type for variations. To work with variations this record type must be marked as active.
Variation Triggers
In the same way you must create a trigger for converting quotes to orders, you must also use custom settings to define the quote status that will trigger approving (merging to order) and reversing (removing previously approved) variations.
Use the instructions provided on the order creator app to locate and edit the custom settings. The only difference is the last step where you will add values for Approved, Reversed and Rejected. Once again, you can use whatever values you choose, this is just an example.
Picklist Values
Setting up matching picklist values is described in the order creator configuration docs. You need to make sure you have followed the same process to create your variation trigger values on the quote status picklist. The difference here is that you should assign these values only to the Variation record type.
You probably want to remove the variation status values from the standard record type
User Permissions
The package ships with custom permissions and a permission set to grant users access to roll up variation values. If your company will be working with variations, granting access to users is required.
Navigate to Setup->Permission Sets and open the permission set named Roll Up Variations To Original Item
Click the Add Assignment button and assign add all users who will change values on the order products that are rolled up to the original Order Product
Permission should be granted to all users who will make changes to rolled up values, not just those creating variations
Roll Ups
The system will automatically track the total Quantity and Value of variations on the original order product. These values are stored in the Variation Quantity (qconvert__Variation_Quantity__c) and Variation Value (qconvert__Variation_Value__c) respectively. The value stored is the sum of all approved variations, you can have as many as you want.
If you have custom fields on the order product that you also want rolled up to the original you should create an entry in the Variation Roll Up Field Map custom metadata type
Before you add an entry to the metadata settings create a field on the order product to store the value you are rolling up. The type of the target must be compatible with the source
Both source and target fields must be fields on the order product object
Once you have saved your new entry the system will automatically roll up values from the source field on variations to the target field on the original order product.
Summary Fields
The package also ships with summary fields that add the variation totals to the original to give a summary total. These are formula fields and the values are stored in Summary Quantity (qconvert__Summary_Quantity__c) and Summary Value (qconvert__Summary_Value__c). If you are creating custom fields to roll up variation values you should copy the patterns in these fields and create summaries for your fields also.